The Giorgio Armani Privè fashion show in Paris presents a light and lively collection, inspired by a painting of Harlequin and the suggestions of Carnival and the magic of the city of Venice.
The color palette includes delicate shades such as peony pink, turquoise, emerald green, and royal blue, while the bold geometries and profiles evoke the kaleidoscopic nature of art.
“This collection is a luminescent fantasy in which the clothes dance and shine.”
During Paris Haute Couture week, the collection’s garments grace the runway in an imaginary dance of lines, light, and color.
The tailoring is highlighted by small jeweled jackets, long skirts, fluid pants, and fourreaux that create alluring silhouettes. Harlequin-inspired diamond patterns rhythm the surfaces with colorful geometries, while black edges and small gorgère brighten the clothes.
Like in the rococo interiors of a Venetian palace, it is the splendor of light, multiplied by extraordinary embroidery, that creates precious sensations. Everything is light, ethereal, and shiny, with the diamonds expanding on the runway in a painting that becomes reality.