Tips to Prevent Cut Avocado from Turning Black
Unsplash+In collaborazione con Anita Austvika


Tips for preserving a cut avocado that's been used halfway, preventing it from blackening and ensuring it doesn't go bad for over 24 hours.

The avocado is a fruit with remarkable nutritional properties, so much so that it’s considered a true “superfood“. Packed with healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, avocados offer health benefits for the heart, digestion, and skin. However, its flesh tends to oxidize and deteriorate quickly once exposed to air. Fortunately, there are some simple tricks to slow down this process and retain the freshness of the avocado longer.

Health Benefits of Avocado and Nutritional Properties
First and foremost, the avocado is an incredibly rich source of beneficial nutrients. Vitamins A, C, D, and E, along with minerals like potassium, iron, and magnesium, give the avocado its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The high fiber content promotes digestion and the absorption of these nutrients in the body. The mix of unsaturated fats also helps regulate cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Hence, the proven positive effects of avocado on the heart, intestines, and metabolism. There are many fresh avocado recipes to try, including avocado burgers, guacamole, or a savory pie with avocado and salmon. And for the curious, avocado seeds can also be consumed in a certain way.

How to Store Cut Avocado
Despite these valuable benefits, the avocado deteriorates quickly. Once cut and exposed to oxygen, the oxidation process accelerates significantly. However, with some simple measures, like how to store a cut avocado, you can delay this phenomenon and keep the flesh edible for longer. One method is to cover the cut side with cling film, store it in the refrigerator, and consume it within 2-3 days. Alternatively, brushing the cut side with pure lemon juice, while still storing in the fridge, extends its lifespan by a couple of days. But beware, this might alter the taste.

@Foto di Art Rachen su Unsplash
@Foto di Art Rachen su Unsplash

Avocado Face Masks: Properties and DIY Recipes
In summary, by following these tips, even a delicate fruit like the avocado can be enjoyed fresh for longer, preserving its exceptional nutritional properties intact. And if you’re a fan of this fruit, you might also consider how to grow an avocado plant in your garden or learn about the avocado diet: benefits and drawbacks. Let’s not forget, finally, the homemade avocado face cream, another way to exploit the beneficial properties of this superfood.

Cover Photo: Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash.



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